Speech Template
If you only need help lining your stories into a cohesive format, then our best man speech template fits the bill. The template is super easy to use: you just fill in the blanks. Literally. It even includes examples to help make your best man-life a little bit easier.
If you only need help lining your stories into a cohesive format, then our best man speech template fits the bill. The template is super easy to use: you just fill in the blanks. Literally. It even includes examples to help make your best man-life a little bit easier.
If you only need help lining your stories into a cohesive format, then our best man speech template fits the bill. The template is super easy to use: you just fill in the blanks. Literally. It even includes examples to help make your best man-life a little bit easier.
How it works:
After placing your order, you’ll receive an email confirming your order and a second email containing the link to download the template. The link expires in 24 hours after time of purchase so retrieve the template ASAP.
Template is a Word file (.doc).
If you don’t have access to Microsoft Word, use Google Docs via Google Drive. Here’s a quick video on how to use Google Docs.
Fill in the template with your stories and your speech is ready.